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Community Coalition Matrix

2020 was a year like no other, and in the face of a multitude of unexpected challenges, communities displayed resiliency. Collaborative initiatives such as local coalitions and networks played a pivotal role in strengthening relationships and improving health outcomes throughout the pandemic.

The Health Collaborative, along with the CHIP/CHNA Steering Committee and UT Health School of Public Health graduate students have begun developing a matrix to complement the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) and Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA), charting community collaboratives in San Antonio/Bexar County and Atascosa County. Our goal is to highlight and provide contact points for the many existing collaborative initiatives that are doing important work helping our counties to be resilient, especially in response to a community crisis like COVID-19.

The Matrix charts the collective impact groups serving communities in Bexar and Atascosa counties. Search by county and priority health area and read insights shared by group members on how this important work gets done.

Local data that’s trustworthy, neutral, and timely.

CI:Now turns local data into information communities can use for planning, trending community change over time, and measuring results. The tools below can help you find the data you need. You can also check out our reports and presentations and the online data tools we’ve built for our partners.

The Viz-a-lyzer allows you visually explore and analyze Bexar County data by zip code tract area and year, with comparisons to the county, Texas, and the U.S.

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