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The CHIP represents a true collaborative effort to address the most crucial health needs in San Antonio and in Bexar County. A special thank you goes out to all of the community partners and members who participated in the CHIP process and the community engagement activities and took the time to share their views, knowledge, expertise, and skills for the planning and development of the CHIP. Below are the participants’ names, titles, and organizations listed in alphabetical order by first name. They are grouped by the priority area(s) they supported, or they are listed at the bottom as individuals supporting the overall effort.
A list of all workgroup members by focus area can be found here.
We would like to thank our funding partners for their support of the CHIP, including Bexar County, the Health Collaborative, and in-kind support from the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District. We would also like to thank the following organizations for providing meeting space during the CHIP process including for facilitator trainings:
• The University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine
• San Antonio Metropolitan Health District provided space at the Alamodome
• SA Youth
• The University of the Incarnate Word
• Maestro Entrepreneur Center
Special thanks to Methodist Healthcare System for providing in-kind printing of the 2017 Healthy Bexar Plan.
In addition, we sincerely thank Cara Hausler, Community Health Senior Analyst and School Liaison, at the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District for training the workgroup facilitators on the RBA process, for leading all CHIP participants through the modified RBA process, for tracking each workgroup’s progress and keeping everyone on a timeline, for creating all the graphs found in this report, and for providing tremendous support throughout the writing of this report.
We thank all the facilitators who helped lead the workgroups at each CHIP meeting and the advisors that helped coordinate the progress of the CHIP. Five facilitators from the Bexar County Community Health Collaborative included Elizabeth Lutz, Vanessa Lopez, Brittany Langevin, Fuji Walker, and Dr. Caroline Bergeron. One facilitator from the City of San Antonio’s Head Start Program was Katie Cunningham. Seventeen facilitators and advisors
from the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District included Tracie Brown, Claryssa Cortez, Linda Costley, Kori Eberle, Cara Hausler, Jennifer Herriott, Teresa Hines, Rhoda Leos, Mario Martinez, Theresa Medina, Amanda Murray, George Perez, Jennifer Quackenbush, Kathleen Shields, Ellen Spitsen, Judit Vega, and Dr. Junda Woo. We thank Healthcare Access San Antonio as well as CI:Now for contributing data support.
We thank the CHIP Steering Committee for guiding and helping each workgroup select and find datasets to measure progress for their headline indicators, as well as for reviewing this report.
Steve Blanchard, Ph.D., Our Lady of the Lake University and Health Collaborative Board Member and Steering Committee Chairman
Robert L. Ferrer, M.D., MPH, Chairman of the Board, Health Collaborative
Pilar Oates, MA, Vice Chair, Health Collaborative
Edward Dick. M.D., MPH, Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas Inc.
Rita Espinoza, MPH, San Antonio Metropolitan Health District
Cara Hausler, MPH, San Antonio Metropolitan Health District
Jennifer Herriott, MPH, San Antonio Metropolitan Health District
Carol Huber, MBA, Regional Health Partnership Region 6, University Health System
Laura McKieran, Dr.PH, CI:Now
Andrea Guajardo, MPH, CHRISTUS Santa Rosa
Anil T. Mangla, B.Sc., MS., PhD., MPH., FRSPH, University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine
Mario Martinez, MBA, San Antonio Metropolitan Health District
Thomas L. Schlenker, M.D., MPH, Interlex Communications
Julie Stuckey, DNP, APNP-C, Our Lady of the Lake University
Gijs Van Oort, Ph.D., Health Access San Antonio
Melissa Valerio, Ph.D., MPH, UTHealth School of Public Health San Antonio Regional Campus
Finally, we sincerely thank Dr. Caroline Bergeron for writing this report and for compiling
and synthesizing feedback from 18 reviewers and all of the workgroups.
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